Resident data ends at 60f8, program starts at 60f8, file ends at 22e58 Starting analysis pass at address 60f8 End of analysis pass, low address = 60f8, high address = 1d94d [Start of text] S001: "Gumshoe" S002: " An Interactive Investigation Copyright (c) 1996 by Mike Oliphant. " S003: "951024" S004: "5/12" S005: "a" S006: "You can't go that way." S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "the" S014: "the" S015: "the" S016: "the" S017: "the" S018: "the" S019: "Darkness" S020: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S021: "As good-looking as ever." S022: "Nameless item" S023: "your former self" S024: "That's mine" S025: "I don't have that" S026: "Hello" S027: "What woman" S028: "What man" S029: "You look like you could use some sleep" S030: "I'm sure I don't know anything about that" S031: "What about me" S032: "replies" S033: "says" S034: "?" S035: "replies" S036: "?" S037: "says" S038: "It's just a boring photograph." S039: " yanks you out of the cab." S040: "The cab has driven out of sight." S041: "Maybe you should get into the cab first" S042: "You'll have to give me a destination" S043: "Looks like we're already there, mister" S044: "I can't accept gifts from passengers" S045: "You can just pay me as you get out of the cab." S046: "She's not much to look at" S047: "but she makes me a living." S048: "Hey, man" S049: "I'm just a cabbie." S050: "Where can I take you" S051: "The cab is your basic, yellow cab." S052: "He is friendly looking." S053: "The cab is your basic, blue cab." S054: "He is friendly looking." S055: "The cab is your basic, green cab." S056: "He is friendly looking." S057: "Beyond the glass you can see" S058: "Beyond the glass you can also see" S059: "an" S060: "The chair is small, and presumably meant for clients." S061: "a bunch of" S062: "an" S063: "This is the reception area outside of your office. A door to the north leads out into the hallway. In one corner of the room, next to the opening that leads east into your office, is the small desk that Marge uses. A coat rack stands beside the door." S064: "reception area" S065: "your" S066: "Not much to look at, but it keeps the head covered." S067: "hallway" S068: "Surprisingly enough, it says "Welcome" on it. Underneath the lettering is a big yellow happy face. The colors are bright and the material is unworn, since not many feet have been tramping over it and into your office. You loathe the mat, but Marge insisted on putting it there. "You have to make people feel at home," she said." S069: "a copy of the" S070: "It is the Los Angeles Times, dated August 13th, 1995. The headlines are boring political stuff. The paper has sections on Sports, Entertainment, Weather, and Funeral Notices." S071: "Someone was just elected to some office or other, someone was caught sleeping around while on the campaign trail, someone has a bold new plan to save America, etc... It has nothing to do with you." S072: "The focus today is on fancy restaurants that you couldn't possibly afford to eat at." S073: "The forecast for the week is beautiful and sunny, just like it always is in Southern California." S074: "Today's funeral notices include Mrs. Nancy Ethridge, aged 65, who is survived by her husband, Ted, and her son Robert; Mr. Warren Updike, aged 61, who is survived by his daughters Nicole and Marie; and Ms. Mabel Mansfield, aged 92, who is survived by her 23 cats." S075: "You are in the foyer of the McMurtry building. To the west, stairs lead up to the second floor. There are large glass double doors east of here leading out onto the street." S076: "The stairs are made of concrete that has been worn down over the years." S077: "The note is in Marge's handwriting, and it reads: The ekay is under the atmay" S078: "You could get run over." S079: "You aren't going to get far on foot -- why not hail a cab?" S080: "Cars, trucks, and taxis drive by at regular intervals." S081: "The sidewalk is old and crumbling." S082: "The mailbox proudly proclaims itself to be a mail drop point for the United States Postal Service. There is a slot at the top of the box for receiving letters." S083: "The stamp has a picture of an American flag on it." S084: "The McMurtry building is no spring chicken. The glass is scratched and there are chips here and there. The doors are so dirty that you wonder if they were ever transparent." S085: "The sidewalk here runs past run-down apartment buildings, most of which are not officially inhabited. A group of men are playing cards in the entryway of a boarded up building. Your heart races as you recognize their faces -- Roderick, Morty, and Vincent. They are the thugs that Jimmy Voigt pays to do his collecting for him." S086: "The cards the goons are playing with are adorned with pictures of naked women." S087: "Look up "Thug" in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of Morty. Big, mean, and stupid. He hit you once when you were delinquent on a payment (kind of like now) and you couldn't get out of bed for a week. You are less than excited to see him." S088: "Vincent isn't as big as Morty, or as smart as Roderick, but he's easily the most dangerous of the lot. It's impossible to tell what goes on behind his dark, shifty eyes, but the word on the street is that he likes to kill people. It's said that he carries three guns on him at all times." S089: "Roderick is a relatively small man. He is the brains of the trio (which isn't saying much, considering the other two). A nasty scar that looks to be from a knife wound runs across his left cheek." S090: "I've got no more business with you" S091: "For now..." S092: "That's lookin' good" S093: "Hand it over!" S094: "Good" S095: "Now give it to me!" S096: "It helps add to his already sinister appearance." S097: "You are outside of a modern office building. A sign in a computerized-looking font reads "Logitek Inc". A large, glass door leads inside the building to the north." S098: "The signs is in a computerized-looking font and reads "Logitek Inc"." S099: "The lobby is large, and furnished in a modern, impersonal way. The dominant color is black. At the opposite side of the room from the door is a large elevator. A receptionist sits behind a counter reading a Vogue magazine." S100: ""I'm afraid you can't go in there," the receptionist says." S101: "Presumably this elevator leads to other floors. It's closed." S102: "The woman is probably about the same age as your Aunt Marge, but her softer features and the smile she flashes in your direction as you look at her make her seem younger." S103: "How can I be of assistance" S104: "Hello back" S105: "Yes" S106: "it was a very interesting article." S107: "We have over one hundred people working here at Logitek" S108: "I'm sorry" S109: "They didn't cover that at receptionist school." S110: "The front cover features one of the current top models and lists the contents as including "Ten ways to improve your sex life", "Men -- what makes them tick?", and "Two weeks to a slimmer you."" S111: "To the west of you lies Giuseppe's -- a small, Italian restaurant. There are quite a few people eating and having coffee in the outdoor seating area. A receptionist stands behind a podium at the door." S112: "The receptionist stops you. "I'm sorry sir," he says, "but you can't go inside without a reservation."" S113: "He is wearing black pants, a white shirt, and a bow tie. His face is small and angular, and he has a large, waxed mustache." S114: "I'm sorry" S115: "We're all booked for today." S116: "We were rated the finest Italian restaurant in Los Angeles last year" S117: "Hey" S118: "I'm just a waiter" S119: "He was here for lunch" S120: "but I'm afraid he's gone now." S121: "I'm sorry" S122: "I don't know this man." S123: "I'm sorry sir" S124: "but I'm afraid you need a reservation." S125: "Giving me money won't help you get a table" S126: "No, thanks" S127: "The guy has the musketeer look going on." S128: "The receptionist's pants, shirt, and tie are spotless." S129: "a cooking show" S130: "a work-out program" S131: "a boring sit-com" S132: "a talk show" S133: "a fishing show" S134: "street" S135: "He is dressed in a blue security uniform and is wearing a baseball cap." S136: "Not the best job in the world" S137: "but it pays the bills." S138: "I look pretty handsome in it, don't I" S139: "The cap bears the Los Angeles Dodgers team logo." S140: "It indicates that the guard works for Lock&Key Security." S141: "foyer" S142: "The door is securely locked." S143: "They are presumably where the residents pick up their mail." S144: "The shelves are filled with every kind of electronic device imaginable." S145: "an" S146: "That's my wife" S147: "We been married near 45 years now. She's a bit of a pain sometimes -- well, most of the time, actually -- but I do love the woman." S148: "Great sport" S149: "There's always something to fix around here" S150: "It's a beaut, ain't it" S151: "It says "Ed" on it." S152: "A slight breeze blows dust along the sidewalk here in front of a run-down building. A neon sign proclaims this to be the "Alibi Lounge". There is a placard in the window." S153: "street" S154: "Hours of operation: 5:00pm - 2:00am." S155: "It's nice and dark -- just like a bar ought to be. Posters of attractive women advertising various brands of alcohol are scattered on the walls. Up on one wall in the corner is a dart board, and next to that is a jukebox." S156: "bar" S157: "You look around at the posters on the walls. You suddenly feel like your romantic life would be better if you only drank more beer. Isn't advertising great?" S158: "darts" S159: "The bar is made of wood and is well-polished" S160: "The bartender is heavyset and has a contented look about him." S161: "Howard's been drinking here for quite a few years now" S162: "I don't tolerate people who play when they can barely walk" S163: "You're welcome to play if you like" S164: "an" S165: "Megabrewery swill, but it fits in with the atmosphere." S166: "grabs a mug off of the shelf" S167: "draws the beer from the tap" S168: "Scotch rocks, your favorite drink. Aunt Marge would not approve." S169: "fills a rocks glass with ice" S170: "grabs a bottle of Johnny Walker from under the bar and pours a generous shot" S171: "Your basic shot of whiskey." S172: "takes a shot glass from the shelf" S173: "gets a bottle of Jack Daniel's from under the bar and fills the shot glass" S174: "The drink is just begging to be drunk." S175: "fills a mixing glass with ice" S176: "gets a bottle of whiskey from below the bar and pours a shot" S177: "adds a few ounces of sour mix to the whiskey" S178: "shakes the mixture and pours it into a sour glass" S179: "drops a cherry in the drink" S180: "an" S181: "puts a bit of sugar and some water in a rocks glass" S182: "adds a few dashes of bitters to the glass" S183: "muddles the mixture to dissolve the sugar" S184: "adds a few ice cubes to the glass" S185: "gets a bottle of bourbon from below the bar and pours two shots into the drink" S186: "garnishes the drink with a twist of lemon peel" S187: "It's just begging to be drunk." S188: "fills a mixing glass with ice" S189: "gets a bottle of blended scotch whiskey from beneath the bar and pours a shot into the mixing glass" S190: "adds a squirt of sweet vermouth to the whiskey" S191: "stirs the mixture and strains it into a cocktail glass" S192: "garnishes the drink with a cherry" S193: "It reminds you of your last trip to Mexico. This is not necessarily a good thing..." S194: "takes a shot glass from the shelf" S195: "gets a bottle of some obscure tequila from under the bar and fills the shot glass" S196: "It reminds you of your last trip to Mexico. This is not necessarily a good thing..." S197: "takes a mixing glass from the shelf" S198: "gets a bottle of some obscure tequila from under the bar and pours a shot into the mixing glass" S199: "adds a shot of triple sec to the tequila" S200: "takes a half of a lime, and squeezes the juice into the glass" S201: "shakes the mixture and pours it into a rocks glass" S202: "garnishes the drink with a slice of lime" S203: "Cool and clear, with a twist of lime." S204: "fills a highball glass with ice" S205: "takes a bottle of London dry gin from under the bar and pours a few ounces into the glass" S206: "fills the glass with tonic" S207: "adds a slice of lime to the drink" S208: "Stirred, not shaken. Sorry 007." S209: "fills a mixing glass with ice" S210: "gets a bottle of gin from under the bar and pours a shot into the mixing glass" S211: "adds a dash of dry vermouth to the mixing glass" S212: "stirs the mixture and strains it into a martini glass" S213: "garnishes the drink with an olive" S214: "Just like you'd get at Callahan's." S215: "fills a mixing glass with ice" S216: "gets a bottle of gin from under the bar and pours a shot into the mixing glass" S217: "adds a dash of dry vermouth to the mixing glass" S218: "stirs the mixture and strains it into a martini glass" S219: "garnishes the drink with a prune" S220: "Just like your Uncle Horace used to make them." S221: "fills a highball glass with ice" S222: "gets a bottle of vodka from under the bar and pours a shot into the glass" S223: "tops the glass up with orange juice" S224: "The perfect hangover cure." S225: "takes a mixing glass from the shelf" S226: "gets a bottle of vodka from under the bar and pours a shot into the glass" S227: "adds a bit of lemon juice to the drink" S228: "adds a few drops each of Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce" S229: "adds a pinch each of pepper and celery salt" S230: "adds a dab of horseradish, and shakes the mixing glass" S231: "pours the mixture into a collins glass and garnishes the drink with a celery stalk" S232: "The bartender makes a nice-looking white russian." S233: "fills a rocks glass with ice" S234: "grabs a bottle of vodka from under the bar, and pours a shot over the ice" S235: "adds a shot of Kahlua to the vodka" S236: "pours a bit of cream on the top of the drink" S237: "The bartender makes a nice-looking black russian." S238: "fills a rocks glass with ice" S239: "grabs a bottle of vodka from under the bar, and pours a shot over the ice" S240: "adds a shot of Kahlua to the vodka" S241: "You can hear the crashing of the waves just looking at it." S242: "fills a highball glass with ice" S243: "takes a bottle of vodka from under the bar and pours a shot over the ice" S244: "adds some cranberry juice cocktail to the drink" S245: "adds some grapefruit juice to the drink" S246: "It looks so inviting -- there couldn't possibly be much alcohol in it." S247: "fills a mixing glass with ice" S248: "gets a bottle of vodka from under the bar and pours a slug into the mixing glass" S249: "adds a bit of gin to the vodka" S250: "adds a bit of rum to the mixture" S251: "adds a bit of triple sec to the drink" S252: "adds a bit of tequila to the mixture" S253: "adds some sour mix to the drink" S254: "shakes the mixture and pours it into a collins glass" S255: "tops the glass up with cola" S256: "En los E.E.U.U. Cuba no es libre, pero esta bebida es muy buena." S257: "fills a highball glass with ice" S258: "takes a bottle of light rum from beneath the bar and adds a shot to the glass" S259: "tops the glass up with cola" S260: "squeezes half a lime into the drink and garnishes it with a lime wedge" S261: "Always, Coca-Cola." S262: "fills a glass with ice" S263: "fills the glass with cola" S264: "Just for the taste of it." S265: "fills a glass with ice" S266: "fills the glass with cola" S267: "The taste of a new generation." S268: "fills a glass with ice" S269: "fills the glass with cola" S270: "The taste of a new generation." S271: "fills a glass with ice" S272: "fills the glass with cola" S273: "Cool, clear, caffeine-free." S274: "fills a glass with ice" S275: "fills the glass with seven up" S276: "Cool, clear, caffeine-free." S277: "fills a glass with ice" S278: "fills the glass with seven up" S279: "The bubbles make your nose feel funny." S280: "fills a glass with ice" S281: "fills the glass with gingerale" S282: "There's nothing like a simple glass of water to quench your thirst." S283: "takes a glass from the shelf and fills it with water" S284: "Sorry" S285: "I'm not serving any more drinks." S286: "He's a bit of a pain, but you can't help but like him" S287: "I don't play" S288: " sits down at the bar." S289: " looks like he wants to order, but the bartender is busy." S290: "Hey" S291: "Those are my songs! Put your own money in!" S292: "Are You Experienced?" S293: "Jimi Hendrix" S294: "Purple Haze" S295: "Manic Depression" S296: "Hey Joe" S297: "Love Or Confusion" S298: "May This Be Love" S299: "I Don't Live Today" S300: "The Wind Cries Mary" S301: "Fire" S302: "Third Stone From The Sun" S303: "Foxey Lady" S304: "Are You Experienced?" S305: "Kind Of Blue" S306: "Miles Davis" S307: "So What" S308: "Freddie Freeloader" S309: "Blue In Green" S310: "All Blues" S311: "Flamenco Sketches" S312: "20 All Time Greatest HITS!" S313: "James Brown" S314: "I Got You (I Feel Good)" S315: "Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine" S316: "I Got The Feelin'" S317: "Mother PopCorn" S318: "Give It Up Or Turnin A Loose" S319: "Make It Funky" S320: "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag" S321: "Think" S322: "It's A Man's Man's Man's World" S323: "Try Me" S324: "Night Train" S325: "Cold Sweat" S326: "Get On The Good Foot" S327: "Papa Don't Take No Mess" S328: "The Payback" S329: "Say It Loud (I'm Black And I'm Proud)" S330: "Super Bad" S331: "Hot Pants" S332: "Get Up Offa That Thing" S333: "Please, Please, Please" S334: "The Ultimate Otis Redding" S335: "Otis Redding" S336: "Respect" S337: "(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay" S338: "These Arms Of Mine" S339: "Pain In My Heart" S340: "Come To Me" S341: "Security" S342: "That's How Strong My Love Is" S343: "Mr. Pitiful" S344: "I've Been Loving You Too Long (To Stop Now)" S345: "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" S346: "Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)" S347: "Try A Little Tenderness" S348: "Chained And Bound" S349: "Shake" S350: "Ole Man Trouble" S351: "Let Me Come On Home" S352: "Open The Door" S353: "That's What My Heart Needs" S354: "Tramp" S355: "I Can't Turn You Loose" S356: "Syncronicity" S357: "The Police" S358: "Syncronicity I" S359: "Walking In Your Footsteps" S360: "O My God" S361: "Mother" S362: "Miss Gradenko" S363: "Synchronicity II" S364: "Every Breath You Take" S365: "King Of Pain" S366: "Wrapped Around Your Finger" S367: "Tea In The Sahara" S368: "Murder By Numbers" S369: "Surfing With The Alien" S370: "Joe Satriani" S371: "Surfing With The Alien" S372: "Ice 9" S373: "Crushing Day" S374: "Always With Me Always With You" S375: "Satch Boogie" S376: "Hill Of The Skull" S377: "Circles" S378: "Lords Of Karma" S379: "Midnight" S380: "Echo" S381: "Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" S382: "The Commitments" S383: "Mustang Sally" S384: "Take Me To The River" S385: "Chain Of Fools" S386: "The Dark End Of The Street" S387: "Destination Anywhere" S388: "I Can't Stand The Rain" S389: "Tray A Little Tenderness" S390: "Treat Her Right" S391: "Do Right Woman Do Right Man" S392: "Mr. Pitiful" S393: "I Never Loved A Man" S394: "In The Midnight Hour" S395: "Bye Bye Baby" S396: "Slip Away" S397: "Business As Usual" S398: "Men At Work" S399: "Who Can It Be Now?" S400: "I Can See It In Your Eyes" S401: "Down Under" S402: "Underground" S403: "Helpless Automation" S404: "People Just Love To Play With Words" S405: "Be Good Johnny" S406: "Touching The Untouchables" S407: "Catch a Star" S408: "Down By The Sea" S409: "Texas Flood" S410: "Stevie Ray Vaghan And Double Trouble" S411: "Love Struck Baby" S412: "Pride And Joy" S413: "Texas Flood" S414: "Tell Me" S415: "Testify" S416: "Rude Mood" S417: "Mary Had A Little Lamb" S418: "Dirty Pool" S419: "I'm Cryin'" S420: "Lenny" S421: "Strong Persuader" S422: "Robert Cray" S423: "Smoking Gun" S424: "I Guess I Showed Her" S425: "Right Next Door (Because Of Me)" S426: "Nothin' But A Woman" S427: "Still Around" S428: "More Than I Can Stand" S429: "Foul Play" S430: "I Wonder" S431: "Fantasized" S432: "New Blood" S433: "The B-52's" S434: "The B-52's" S435: "Planet Claire" S436: "52 Girls" S437: "Dance This Mess Around" S438: "Rock Lobster" S439: "Lava" S440: "There's A Moon In The Sky (Called The Moon)" S441: "Hero Worship" S442: "6060-842" S443: "Downtown" S444: "I Never Loved A Man (The Way That I Love You)" S445: "Aretha Franklin" S446: "Respect" S447: "Drown In My Own Tears" S448: "I Never Loved A Man (The Way That I Love You)" S449: "Soul Serenade" S450: "Don't Let Me Lose This Dream" S451: "Baby, Baby, Baby" S452: "Dr. Feelgood" S453: "Good Times" S454: "Do Right Woman, Do Right Man" S455: "Save Me" S456: "A Change Is Gonna Come" S457: "Another Mayberry" S458: "Big Head Todd And The Monsters" S459: "Flander's Fields" S460: "Another Mayberry" S461: "Salvation" S462: "I Will Carry" S463: "Blues For Annie" S464: "Blue Water" S465: "Geography Of A Horse Dreamer" S466: "It All Comes Down" S467: "American Boy" S468: "Waiting In America" S469: "Hymn" S470: "Boom Boom" S471: "John Lee Hooker" S472: "Boom Boom" S473: "I'm Bad Like Jesse James" S474: "Same Old Blues Again" S475: "Sugar Mama" S476: "Trick Bag (Shoppin' For My Tombstone)" S477: "Boogie At Russian Hill" S478: "Hittin' The Bottle Again" S479: "Bottle Up An Go" S480: "Thought I Heard" S481: "I Ain't Gonna Suffer No More" S482: "Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World" S483: "Johnny Clegg And Savuka" S484: "One (Hu)'Man One Vote" S485: "Cruel Crazy Beautiful World" S486: "Jeicho" S487: "Dela" S488: "Moliva" S489: "It's An Illusion" S490: "Bombs Away" S491: "Woman Be My Country" S492: "Rolling Ocean" S493: "Warsaw 1943 (I Never Betrayed The Revolution)" S494: "Vezandlebe" S495: "God Shuffled His Feet" S496: "The Crash Test Dummies" S497: "God Shuffled His Feet" S498: "Afternoons & Coffeespoons" S499: "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" S500: "In The Days Of The Caveman" S501: "Swimming In your Ocean" S502: "Here I Stand Before Me" S503: "I Think I'll Disappear Now" S504: "How Does A Duck Know?" S505: "When I Go Out With Artists" S506: "The Psychic" S507: "Two Nights And Maidens" S508: "Untitled" S509: "New York" S510: "Lou Reed" S511: "Romeo Had Juliette" S512: "Halloween Parade" S513: "Diry Blvd." S514: "Endless Cycle" S515: "There Is No Time" S516: "Last Great American Whale" S517: "Beginning Of A Great Adventure" S518: "Busload Of Faith" S519: "Sick Of You" S520: "Hold On" S521: "Good Evening Mr. Waldheim" S522: "Xmas In February" S523: "Strawman" S524: "Dime Store Mystery" S525: "A Decade Of Steely Dan" S526: "Steely Dan" S527: "FM" S528: "Black Friday" S529: "Babylon Sisters" S530: "Deacon Blues" S531: "Bodhisattva" S532: "Hey Nineteen" S533: "Do It Again" S534: "Peg" S535: "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" S536: "Reeling In The Years" S537: "East St. Louis Toodle-oo" S538: "Kid Charlemagne" S539: "My Old School" S540: "Bad Sneakers" S541: "Nothing Like The Sun" S542: "Sting" S543: "The Lazarus Heart" S544: "Be Still My Beating Heart" S545: "Englishman In New York" S546: "History Will Teach Us Nothing" S547: "They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo)" S548: "Fragile" S549: "We'll Be Together" S550: "Straight To My Heart" S551: "Rock Steady" S552: "Sister Moon" S553: "Little Wing" S554: "The Secret Marriage" S555: "Singles -- 45's And Under" S556: "Squeeze" S557: "Take Me I'm yours" S558: "Goodbye Girl" S559: "Cool For Cats" S560: "Up The Junction" S561: "Slap And Tickle" S562: "Another Nail For My Heart" S563: "Pulling Mussels (From The Shell)" S564: "If I Didn't Love You" S565: "Is That Love" S566: "Tempted" S567: "Black Coffee In Bed" S568: "Annie Get Your Gun" S569: "See The Light" S570: "The Jeff Healy Band" S571: "Confidence Man" S572: "My Little Girl" S573: "River Of No Return" S574: "Don't Let You Chance Go By" S575: "Angel Eyes" S576: "Nice Problem To Have" S577: "Someday, Someway" S578: "I Need To Be Loved" S579: "Blue Jean Blues" S580: "That's What They Say" S581: "Hideaway" S582: "See The Light" S583: "The Velvet Underground & Nico" S584: "The Velvet Underground" S585: "Sunday Morning" S586: "I'm Waiting For The Man" S587: "Femme Fatale" S588: "Venus In Furs" S589: "Run Run Run" S590: "All Tomorrow's Parties" S591: "Heroin" S592: "There She Goes Again" S593: "I'll Be Your Mirror" S594: "The Black Angel's Death Song" S595: "European Son" S596: "Fun House" S597: "The Stooges" S598: "Down On The Street" S599: "Loose" S600: "T.V. Eye" S601: "Dirt" S602: "1970" S603: "Fun House" S604: "L.A. Blues" S605: "Transformer" S606: "Lou Reed" S607: "Vicious" S608: "Andy's Chest" S609: "Perfect Day" S610: "Hangin' 'Round" S611: "Walk On The Wild Side" S612: "Make Up" S613: "Satellite Of Love" S614: "Wagon Wheel" S615: "New York Telephone Conversation" S616: "I'm So Free" S617: "Goodnight Ladies" S618: "Brothers In Arms" S619: "Dire Straits" S620: "So Far Away" S621: "Money For Nothing" S622: "Walk Of Life" S623: "Your Latest Trick" S624: "Why Worry" S625: "Ride Across The River" S626: "The Man's Too Strong" S627: "One World" S628: "Brothers In Arms" S629: "Dogman" S630: "King's X" S631: "Dogman" S632: "Shoes" S633: "Pretend" S634: "Flies And Blue Skies" S635: "Black The Sky" S636: "Fool You" S637: "Don't Care" S638: "Sunshine Rain" S639: "Complain" S640: "Human Behavior" S641: "Cigarettes" S642: "Go To Hell" S643: "Pillow" S644: "Manic Depression" S645: "Howard is an older man with a bit of a beer belly." S646: "Thanks" S647: "but I'm still working on this here drink in front of me." S648: "I'm waiting for my drink right now" S649: "but I'll play later." S650: "Tasty" S651: "I drink my share" S652: "Kids got it easy these days" S653: "He's a good sort, but kind of quiet" S654: "He's been serving me drinks for going on 15 years, now" S655: "I wouldn't drink anywhere else" S656: "I do miss it sometimes" S657: "I was stationed aboard an aircraft carrier during World War II" S658: "Ahh, what a looker she was" S659: "I like to play now and again" S660: "I'm not very good, though" S661: " goes over and slaps the skinny man on the back. "Cheer up man!" he says." S662: " sits back down at the bar." S663: " selects a song on the jukebox." S664: " sits back down at the bar." S665: "The corner house is a small, two-story structure and lies to your north. There is a single window on the second floor of the side of the house facing you. Across the street to the south, a wooden gate leads into the yard of an old house that appears to be deserted." S666: "She appears to be engaged in naughtiness with John." S667: "This house seems to have been deserted for years. A door leads inside to the south, and a dusty window looks out of the second floor." S668: "The window is too high up for you to see inside." S669: "You'd have to be on the balcony to go east." S670: "The staircase looks none too safe." S671: "The stencil on the side indicates that it once held tomatoes." S672: "If possible, the second floor is even dustier than the first. The doorway leads back to the west and a dusty window looks out to the north." S673: "street" S674: "Sandra's house is a picture of the American dream, complete with the white picket fence. The lawn is immaculate and the grass bright green and perfectly cut." S675: "house" S676: "The McBride house is spacious and tastefully furnished. A large sofa rests against one wall, and above it hangs a portrait of a man. The floor is hardwood, covered in the center by a rug that looks to be of eastern origins. Across the room from the sofa is a fireplace with a cozy fire burning inside it." S677: "The sofa is quite new, and seems to be designed more for appearance than for comfort." S678: "hard" S679: "The wood is beautiful, and looks to have been recently refinished." S680: "It matches the sofa quite well. Somebody was a good interior decorator." S681: "You are momentarily transfixed by the dancing flames." S682: "The man is in his mid-forties and is quite severe-looking. Sandra catches you looking at the picture. "My father," she says. There isn't much warmth in her voice." S683: "The handkerchief is nice and clean, with the initials "JG" embroidered on one corner." S684: "The snapshot is of a tall man with short, salt and pepper hair. He appears to be around 45." S685: "I won't deal with rude detectives" S686: "Yes" S687: "That's where my husband works." S688: "That's what I'm trying to figure out" S689: "Whether my husband is having an affair or not." S690: "I can't believe he's doing this to me" S691: "It's a bar that my husband goes to sometimes" S692: "I don't know anyone by that name" S693: "She's John's secretary" S694: "He's here at home now" S695: "I can't believe he's doing this to me" S696: "I'll get to that in a bit" S697: "It's like I told you" S698: "I think my husband is cheating on me and I want you to find out for sure." S699: "Well" S700: "You seemed to have given me what I need." S701: "We were never very close" S702: "Haven't you got anything more important to talk about" S703: "Could you be more specific, please" S704: "You've done your job" S705: "Keep the money." S706: "I'm afraid I'll need more evidence than this before I confront my husband" S707: "Aren't I the customer" S708: " comes out of her house." S709: "She left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S710: "Unfortunately, you didn't see which way that cab went." S711: "Whoever bought that rock makes more money than you do." S712: "Typed on the card are Sandra's name and her telephone number: 653-2720." S713: "hundred dollar bills" S714: "The president seems to wink at you, but maybe it's just your imagination..." S715: "He is a tall man who carries himself with confidence." S716: "Unfortunately, you didn't see which way that cab went." S717: "He left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S718: "She left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S719: " and the woman sit down at a table and order coffee." S720: " and the woman get up from their table." S721: "He left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S722: "She left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S723: "The cab left quickly, and you have lost it in the traffic." S724: "He left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S725: " opens the door, enters the house, and shuts the door behind him. Shortly afterward, the light comes on in the window." S726: "The door seems to be locked." S727: "You see the light in the window go out, and shortly afterward, John comes out the door." S728: "He left in a cab. You might want to follow that." S729: " opens the door, enters the house, and shuts the door behind him." S730: "an" S731: "woman" S732: "The conservative clothing she wears to work can't hide the fact that her face and figure are very pleasing to the eye. Her hair is long and brown, and falls down over her shoulders in a slightly haphazard manner." S733: "They are engaged in naughty behavior." S734: "your" S735: "What is this, a stickup" S736: "Leave me alone!" S737: "It's about time you showed some gratitude" S738: "I've got some things I need to pick up" S739: "Besides, it's not like you've paid me anything..." S740: "I told you when I started working that I don't make coffee" S741: "She's right here" S742: "Why don't you ask her yourself?" S743: "I'm not giving it to you" S744: "You'd just lose it." S745: "Well" S746: "I see you've just helped yourself to it!" S747: "Don't even get me started on that subject" S748: "And where am I supposed to hang this up" S749: "Why don't you wait until you can pay me what you owe me" S750: "Don't be trying to get rid of your junk by giving it to me" S751: "I've got enough stuff of my own to deal with." S752: "You hired your aunt when you started up your agency. You had no real need for a secretary, but Marge had been moping about doing nothing ever since your Uncle Horace died, and, being the good nephew you are, you gave her a job. You now wonder what you could possibly have been thinking -- the woman drives you crazy." S753: ""Just like you to get soused again," Marge clucks disapprovingly. "I don't know why I put up with it. You haven't paid me since you hired me. If your mother could see you now..."" S754: " unlocks the door and opens it." S755: " sits down at her desk and begins working (on what, you have absolutely no idea)." S756: " mutters something to herself about the messy state of her desk. She begins cleaning it up." S757: " finds a camera amid the clutter on her desk. "Oh," she exclaims, "I didn't know that was there." She puts the camera in her pocket." S758: " gets up from her desk. "I'm off for the day." she says." S759: " opens the door." S760: " closes the door." S761: "Marge's jacket and skirt suit her personality perfectly." S762: "You've never seen your Aunt Marge with her hair down. The image of Marge without her hair in a bun is difficult for you to conjure up." S763: "You've stooped to pulling the hair of old ladies, have you" S764: "Some people would be charitable and say that Detective Lester Boggs is a large man. Others would just say he's fat. His blond hair is cropped short and his eyes are small and beady. He seems not to have a neck, but makes up for it with plenty of chin." S765: "He can be pretty nasty when folks don't pay up" S766: "I didn't have anything to do with that" S767: "Beauty, isn't she" S768: "Hey" S769: "I'm busy. One of us is still a cop with a job to do." S770: ""Gotta roll," Boggs says. "Being a detective is a busy business -- but I guess you wouldn't know about that anymore."" S771: "Boggs seems to have slipped away in the traffic." S772: "I hope you're not here spying on any of these nice people having lunch" S773: "I've seen you following people around town, and I want you to know that I won't permit it." S774: " goes into Giuseppe's." S775: " comes out of Giuseppe's with some coffee in a plastic cup." S776: "Boggs seems to have slipped away in the traffic." S777: "The coffee is in a plastic cup that says "Giuseppe's" on the side." S778: "Boggs' car, like himself, is large and sluggish." S779: "The hubcap is tarnished and missing a few bolts." S780: "In the center of the valve is a pin." S781: "Choose one of the following topics: Instructions on Playing Acknowledgements License Information About the Author " S782: "Help Menu" S783: "How to Play" S784: "Acknowledgments" S785: "License" S786: "About the Author" S787: "Choose one of the following topics: General information Game Control Navigation Looking around Manipulating your surroundings Interacting with others Passing time " S788: "Game-play menu" S789: "General information" S790: "Game Control" S791: "Navigation" S792: "Looking around" S793: "Manipulating your surroundings" S794: "Interacting with others" S795: "Passing time" S796: "Choose one of the following topics: Why am I missing points? Things to try " S797: "Amusing Menu" S798: "Why am I missing points?" S799: "Things to try" S800: "a baseball game" S801: "a made-for-TV movie" S802: "Last call" S803: "some" S804: "There isn't much money there (not enough to pay your mounting debts, for example, but it's enough to handle minor expenses)." S805: "It claims that somebody by the name of Joe Gumshoe is licensed to be a private investigator in the State of California." S806: "your" S807: "Every private investigator needs one..." S808: "You look like someone who spent the night sleeping in their clothes on a cold, hard floor. Not surprising, really, since that's exactly what you did." [End of text] [End of file]